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Compact RF Signal Generators

Internal Reference, Pulse Modulation, Internal Pulse Generator, Step Sweep

Corech Microwave | One-Stop RF & Microwave Solution

Corech Microwave is a leading manufacturer of Drone Detection Radar System, Compact Signal Generators and DC to 67GHz RF & Microwave components. We provide a one-stop RF solution for our clients. We design, manufacture and supply a full line of RF & Microwave components.

Corech Microwave offers Ku band Drone Detection Radar System,Test Instruments (9kHz to 20 / 40GHz Compact Signal Generators), Frequency Sources, RF Amplifier Modules/Chassis, Switch Filter Bank, RF Switches, Power Dividers, Filters/Triplexers and more active/passive components.

These reliable products with high quality & performance can be applied to rigorous application platforms.

≥5Km Drone Detection Radar System

Corech Microwave’s Drone Detection Radar System offers long-range passive detection, tracking and locating in various types environments.
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9kHz to 40GHz Compact Signal Generators

Corech Microwave’s CSG series of Signal Generators operate from 9kHz to 20GHz / 40GHz. It offers high dynamic output power -120 to +17dBm, ultra low phase noise: -105dBc/Hz@10KHz, low harmonics and spurious.
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Established in 2010
Product Series
10 +
Invention Patents
Top Professionals

Corech Microwave offers customised products!

Corech Microwave Products

Corech Microwave provides Ku band Drone Detection Radar System, 9 KHz to 20/40 GHz ultra wideband signal generators,ultra-wideband / ultra-low phase noise / SMD frequency sources, high-power amplifiers, miniaturized MCM/SIP micro modules, ultra wideband passive devices etc.