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20GHz / 40GHz Signal Generator General Menu and Setting 

This user manual is valid for the following listed generators and theirs extended version:

Model / PNDescription
CSG9K20GA9kHz – 20GHz Single Channel Signal Generator
CSG9K40GA9kHz – 40GHz Single Channel Signal Generator
CSG9K20GD409kHz – 20GHz & 9kHz – 40GHz Dual Channel Signal Generator
CSG9K20GD209kHz – 20GHz & 9kHz – 20GHz Dual Channel Signal Generator
CSG9K40GD409kHz – 40GHz & 9kHz – 40GHz Dual Channel Signal Generator


6. Signal Generator Menu and Setting 

6.1 Signal Generator Control: Keyboard, Touch Screen and SCPI.

6.2 Signal Generator Set Frequency

Step 1 – Reset: 

Press the【RESET】key on the front panel, reset the equipment into initial state.

Step 2 – Type in the value: 

Press the【FREQ】key on the front panel or touch the Frequency Set area on the screen, type in the specific value and press【G/n】key on the front panel to finish this step. In this step, you can also rotate the knob to adjust the value.

Step 3 – RF switch on: 

Press【RF ON/OFF】key on the front panel, touch the Modulation Switch area or the Channel Select area to switch on the RF output. As the “RF ON” show on the modulation switch area and the color turns green, RF switch on.

6.3 Signal Generator Set Power Level

Type in the value

Press【LEVEL】key on the front panel or the Power Level Set area, type in the specific value and press 【X1 dBm】key on the front panel to finish this step. In this step, you can also rotate the knob to adjust the value.

6.4 Signal Generator Set Pulse Mode

Tap the Modulation area on the home page to set pulse parameters.

ParametersValid RangeDefault ValueDescription
Pulse StateOn|OffOffOn/off state of the signal source
Pulse SourceInt|ExtIntInternal/external signal source of the pulse modulation.
Pulse PolarityNormal | InverseNormalThe modulation polarity of the pulse signal.
Pulse ModeSingle| DoubleSingleSelect single pulse mode or double pulse mode.
Pulse OutOn|OffOffThis parameter is enable only in internal modulation. 
Trig ModeAuto|Ext TrigAutoExternal trigger or automatic trigger of the pulse modulation.
Trig SlopePositive| NegativePositiveThis parameter is enable only in external trigger mode.
Time Unitμs|ms|sμsTime unit of the pulse modulation.
Pulse Period0.11μs – 100.00s20.00μsTime period of the pulse modulation. If, the set pulse period ≤ the current pulse width, it would automatically adjust to be ≥ current pulse width.
Pulse Width0.10μs – 99.999 999 99s5.00μsWidth of the pulse signal. If, the set pulse width ≥ the current pulse period, it would automatically adjust to be ≤ current pulse period.
Double Pulse Width0.10μs – 99.999 999 99s5.00μsThis parameter is enable only in double pulse mode.
Double Pulse Delay0.10μs – 100.00s0.10μsThis parameter is enable only in double pulse mode.
Trigger Delay0.02μs – 100.00s0.02μsThis parameter is enable only in external trigger mode.

6.5 Signal Generator Set Sweep Mode

Tap the Sweep area on the home page to set sweep parameters.

ParametersValid RangeDefault ValueDescription
Sweep StateOn|OffOffOn/off state of the sweep function.
Sweep ModeSingle|ContinuousSingleSingle sweep mode or double sweep mode.*
Start Freq.9kHz – 40GHz10GHzSet the start frequency of the sweep.
Stop Freq.9kHz – 40GHz20GHzSet the stop frequency of the sweep.
Freq. StepOn|OffOffSet the frequency step of the sweep.
Dwell Time10ms – 10s10msSet the dwell time of every frequency point, phase-locked time included.
Sweep TimeSweep time is automatically calculated and displayed. Read-only.

* Single Sweep Mode: From the start freq., the output frequency accumulates/decreases according to the sweep step, and each point stays for the dwell time and then switches to the next point until the frequency stops, as the sweep stops.

Repeat Sweep Mode: From the start freq., the output frequency accumulates/decreases according to the sweep step, and each point stays for the sweep dwell time and then switches to the next point until the frequency stops. It returns to the start freq, and begins to repeat a new round of sweep.

6.6 Signal Generator Set LAN

Press the MENU key on the front Panel, select [System]-[LAN Setting] to check set LAN parameters including: IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Socket.
