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Switch Filter Bank

Switch Filter Bank

Corech Microwave’s Switch Filter Bank frequency covers DC to 50GHz, featured with multi-channels (4 to 8 channels), high power handling, and fast switching options. Pin Diode Based Switched Filter Banks provide the highest level of signal isolation, higher operating power levels, and lower insertion loss and achieve switching speeds of < 40 nanoseconds.

Corech Microwave designs and manufactures state-of-art switch filter banks from standard designs to custom requirements. The following listing contains various switch filter banks that Corech Microwave has manufactured for our clients. This is just a small list which demonstrates our filter design capabilities.

Switch Filter Bank Typical Products

PNFreq. RangeChannelsChannels IsolationInsertion LossVSWRInput PowerSwitching SpeedControl
GHz minGHz maxdBdBdBmns

Corech Microwave offers customised products!

Switch Filter Bank Test Curve